Breakfast and Lunch
It’s possible to have breakfast in the garden from 10.00 AM. Only available for a minimum of four persons and preferably reservations made beforehand.
Relax breakfast
3 kinds of bread from ‘Vlaamsch Broodhuys’, brown, whole-meal and white. Butter and homemade jam. Biological cheese and meat delicacies. Freshly pressed fruit juice and a boiled egg. Pot of tea or coffee. And a little home made desert.
€ 15,95
Zeeuws breakfast or Breakfast from Zeeland
Bolus (Zeeuwse delicacy) with butter and frech apple juice.
Pot of tea or coffee
€ 8,95
Energy breakfast
Biological yogurt with granola and honey and frech apple juice. Pot of tea or coffee
€ 10,50
Home made soup served with bread and butter and if desired some ham or cheese
We do accommodate lunches for groups of people by request